
Life Insurance - Providing a Monthly Income

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I am sure you have heard of Life Insurance many times but did you know that instead of paying out a lump sum it can pay a monthly income instead?

Family Income Benefit is Life Insurance (can also be critical illness cover) but it pays out a monthly income if you pass away during the term.

What are the benefits?

There are actually many benefits to this type of insurance, it:

  • is a great affordable option
  • it allows peace of mind that the money can be used more effectively and has an end date so that it is managed better
  • you can choose how much you would like the monthly income to be and the term

What can it be used for?

  • To replace a lost income into the household to support a spouse/partner
  • To provide an income for Legal Guardians to take care of your child/children
  • To replace a Child Maintenance payment
  • To provide a long term income that can be managed effectively

I feel that Family Income Benefit is a great product to add to any existing cover you have and if you don't have any cover it is a great place to start.

Some of my clients opt for £500 a month and others £1000 to replace their income and continue supporting their family financially if they were no longer there.

Many clients choose to have a term that fits with when their youngest child is 18 for example, some choose 21 and 23, it is upto you.

I can help you work out how much cover would be suitable and help you to gain peace of mind. 

You can contact me for a review and I do not charge a fee for my advice. Call or e-mail me or alternatively you can make an appointment easily here.

Please note for these insurance products, terms and conditions apply. This information is a summary only. You will receive a full policy document upon application. This policy will set out the terms, conditions and limitations of cover provided under the plan.


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